7Current Owner Registration:

Property Transaction ID: 09989-98765

Public Key: 0798694TR67C502680FVRD54SX9L833137Y30K70062CCEF1815213I9R471P0107

Owner: John Smith

DOB: 08 / 11 / 1945

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 213-446-1234

Date of purchase: 03 / 12 / 2016

Real estate company: Zillow

Realtor: Michael Jones

Realtor Email: [email protected]

Financing Bank: Chase Bank

Amount Fiance: $700,000

Date of purchase: 09 / 02 / 2023

Purchase price: $1,250,000

Nimbus-Key ID: Secure access verified

Password-less Authentication

Patented Technology

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