
Nimbus-Key Features

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Better Healthcare.
Enhanced Efficiency.

1. Telehealth Benefits

• See More Patients
• Improved access to care delivery
• Improved healthcare quality
• More Intelligent Solution
• Increase Revenue

VSee Messenger Pro

Vsee Messenger is the easiest and most efficient way to develop a Telehealth program. It is easier to use for you and your patient. You should download onto your smart phone, iPad, laptop and desktop.

VSee Clinic

Vsee Clinic is our enterprise version with the most features including scheduling, short EMR, billing and more. It is aimed for efficiently creating a telehealth program for medical groups, clinics, hospitals and departments.


integration service.

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Healthcare Providers connect
your telehealth to your profile.

We help you connect with
your patients.

Enter Nimbus-Key in the my
information section click on
the Pro Profile.

Enter the information in the
Telehealth section:
1. Telehealth Company name
2. Telehealth url.

Password-less Authentication

Patented Technology